Last update: 05 dec 2019
To keep the site organized and to point readers to content that might be interesting for them, this site uses color codes for each type of article.
The overview of the codes you can encounter:
Furthermore some icons are applied on articles as information or as link to other content, an can be found in the header of an article.
The following icons are currently used:
tuinInsecten collectie
Articles concerning my garden insect collection use the ‘Insecten collectie’ icon.
Articles about a species that are also represented in the garden collection and for which an collection entry article exists in this site, are identified with the ‘collectie exemplaar’ icon. The icon is a link to the collection article.
Kerfdier Op Reis
Kerfdier Op Reis icons identify articles about travel and foto reports that are made outside the boundary of my garden, either elsewhere in the Netherlands or abroad. The actual country is identified by the flag in the icon.