Биология гнездования Ancistrocerus nigricornis (Curtis, 1826)(Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae) в Крыму
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Zur biologie von Isodontia mexicana
Scathophaga stercoraria
(Yellow dung fly)
New garden species
Xestophanes potentillae♀︎
Xestophanes potentillae
World Cynipoidea (Hymenoptera): A Key to Higher-Level Groups
Vespidae solitaires de France métropolitaine: Hymenoptera: Eumeninae, Masarinae
Valgus hemipterus♀︎
Wasp nest!
Trypoxylon attenuatum♀︎
- Cichorium intybus -(Common chicory)- Araneus diadematus -
(Garden spider)
Trypoxylon attenuatum♂︎
Trap-nesting wasps and bees. Life histories, nests and associates
The use of Perkins (1976) to identify species of DEBs (Dryinidae, Embolemidae, Bethylidae) with extra Notes
The spread of the grasscarrying sphecid wasp Isodontia mexicana (Saussure, 1867)(Hym: Sphecidae) in Europe and its breeding behaviour
The Nesting Biology of Tachysphex puncticeps Cameron, 1903 (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae)
The life-history and habits of the diggerwasp Ammobia ichneumonea
The Lepidoptera : form, function and diversity
The immature stages and biology of two Xenapates species in West Africa (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae)
The grass-carrying wasp, Chlorion (Isodontia) harrisi Fernald
The genus Omalus Panzer, 1801 (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) from China, with descriptions of four new species
The British Bethylidae (sl)(Hymenoptera)
Tetanocera sp.
Papilio machaon
Papilio machaon
Strategy for sneaking into a host’s home: The cuckoo wasp Omalus biaccinctus (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) inserts its eggs into living aphids that are the prey of its host
Stinging behaviour of solitary wasps. In: Piek T., editor. Venoms of the Hymenoptera: Biochemical, Pharmacological and Behavioural Aspects
Stigmus pendulus♂︎
Stelis punctulatissima
Wasp nest!
Spilomena beata♀︎
- Cichorium intybus -(Common chicory)- Thysanoptera sp. -
Solitary Hymenoptera Aculeata inhabiting trap-nests in Lithuania: nesting cavity choice and niche overlap
Coccinella septempunctata♀︎♂︎
(Seven-spotted ladybird)
Sapygina decemguttata
Sapromyza sp.
Phragmatobia fuliginosa
(Ruby tiger)
Chrysolina americana
(Rosemary beetle)
Chrysolina americana
(Rosemary beetle)
Heriades truncorum♀︎
(Ridge-saddled carpenter bee)
(Dyer's chamomile)
New garden species
Rhopalum coarctatum♀︎
Revisiting adaptations of neotropical katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) to gleaning bat predation
Osmia bicornis♂︎
(Red mason bee)
Stictoleptura rubra♂︎
(Red longhorn beetle)
(Globe thistle)
Records of X. potentillae (Retzius) X. brevitarsis (Thomson) (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) derived from herbarium specimens of potentilla species at the British and Irish Herbarium
Pseudococcidae sp.♂︎
Pseudapion rufirostre♀︎
- Malva sylvestris -(Common mallow)
Principles of Insect Morphology
Polydrusus formosus♀︎♂︎
- Corylus avellana -(Common hazel)
Poemenia collaris♀︎
- Passaloecus corniger -New garden species
Polypogon plumigeralis
(Plumed fan-foot)