A female Hawthorn mining bee (Andrena scotica) [1,2,3] fouraging on Firethorn (Pyracantha spec.).
A first observation and a new garden species! Unfortunately all rather bad photographs.
This and other Mining bee species are regular visitors of the Firethorn where they stand out between the Honey bees by their rounder, compacter build and slower manner of flight.
I have not been able to see whether she was colelcting pollen, on the photo’s she is clearly drinking nectar.
1 Nederlands Soortenregister2 Peeters, T.M.J., H. Nieuwenhuijsen, J. Smit, F. van der Meer, I.P. Raemakers, W.R.B. Heitmans, C. van Achterberg, M. Kwak, A.J. Loonstra, J. de Rond, M. Roos & M. Reemer, 2012. De Nederlands bijen (Hymennoptera: Apidae s.l.). - Natuur van Nederland 11, Naturalis Biodiversity Center & European Invertebrate Survey - Nederland, Leiden.
3 wildebijen.nl, "De Nederlandse bijen en hun relaties, overzicht van in Nederland en Vlaanderen voorkomende solitaire en sociale bijen (Apidea s.l.)"