Orthetrum cancellatum (Black-tailed skimmer)♀︎

Last update: 17 September 2022


Location Krimpen aan den IJssel, garden

This lovely lady, the Black-tailed skimmer (Orthetrum cancellatum) from the family of Skimmers (Libellulidae) was enjoying herself at the pond where she was basking in the sun on the lookout for passing snacks. Very pretty.

Black-tailed skimmer ♀︎ (Orthetrum cancellatum), imago

I’m familiar with the dragon fly, but mostly from dead finds in the garden and that doesn’t bring out the best in anybody.

Black-tailed skimmer ♀︎ (Orthetrum cancellatum)

UPDATE 2019 / 06 / 28

An increasing number of specimen find the garden, currently peaking with a total of six. One male came flying by but none have landed so far.

Black-tailed skimmer ♀︎ (Orthetrum cancellatum)
Black-tailed skimmer ♀︎ (Orthetrum cancellatum)
Black-tailed skimmer ♀︎ (Orthetrum cancellatum)
Black-tailed skimmer ♀︎ (Orthetrum cancellatum), genetalia


1 Nederlands Soortenregister

2 Vlinderstichting.nl, "Libellen", De Vlinderstichting

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