New garden species

Adalia decempunctata (Ten-spotted ladybird)

Last update: 1 February 2019


LOCATION: Krimpen aan den IJssel, garden


This ladybug sat in Flax and at first I thought it was two-spotted ladybird but after some research it turned out to be a Ten-spotted ladybird (Adalia decempunctata) [1].

It’s the first time that I’ve observed this species, so a new garden species.

Ten-spotted ladybird
(Adalia decempunctata)

This species comes in three variants [1]:

  1. red with a variable number of black spots
  2. black with ten red spots
  3. black with a red spot on the front-side of the wingcover

This last variant sometimes has a red spot on the back of the wingcover.

Furthermore this speices has a dent in the backside of the wingcovers, just like the Asian ladybird. On this specimen this dent is rather smooth finished.

Ten-spotted ladybird
(Adalia decempunctata)
Ten-spotted ladybird
(Adalia decempunctata)


1 Cuppen, J.G.M., V.J. Kalkman, G.A. Tacoma & Th. Heijerman 2015, Veldklapper Lieveheersbeestjes. - EIS Kenniscentrum Insecten en andere ongewervelden, Nederlandse Entomologische Vereniging &, Leiden

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