A hoverfly from the family Eristalis, Eristalis nemorum.
These hoverflies have more and longer hairs and and some species resemble bumble bees.
This common species is recongnizable by dull orange spots on the 2nd dorsal plate, the dark spots on the wings and the black stripe in its face. The hind legs have much black with orange colored knees[1,2].
1 André Schulten, februari 2014, "Fotogids ZWEEFVLIEGEN Versie 2.0"2 Reemer, M., W. Renema, W. van Steenis, Th. Zeegers, A. Barendregt, J.T. Smit, M.P. van Veen, J. van Steenis, L.J.J.M. van der Leij, 2009. De Nederlandse zweefvliegen (Diptera: Syrphidae). - Nederlandse Fauna 8. Leiden. Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum Naturalis, KNNV Uitgeverij, European Invertebrate Survey - Nederland.