Auplopus carbonarius♀︎

Last update: 25 January 2024


Location Krimpen aan den IJssel, garden

A few years back I’ve constructed a few large planters to place on top of the garden tiles. However the low, wide planters turn out to be prone to drying out. A layer of larger gravel placed on top of the surface in the driest planter, aimed to countered the evaporation somewhat.

Slate covering to slow ground dehumidification
Slate purchased at hardware store

The rather soft stone sucks up the water so it becomes even softer, and turns into a useable source of loam for Trypoxylon and Auplopus carbonarius wasps. That latter species is most enthusiastic about the material. Hanging on the stones multiple specimens gnaw particles loose and collect them into small, humid balls. The moisture is collected at water sources nearby and used to make the grit manageable and transportable.

Auplopus carbonarius ♀︎, collecting clay

Auplopus carbonarius ♀︎, collected clay is manipulated into a ball


1 Nederlands Soortenregister

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