The first observation if the year and a new garden species. This Western conifer seed bug (Leptoglossus occidentalis) [1] entered the study flying. It is a beautiful, large bug. The species overwinters and is often found to seek shelter in houses [1,2]. This one probably awoke due to the warmth inside the house.
As it originally originates from the US the species is officially classified as an introduced species in the Netherlands [1,2]. Its introduction in Europe was accidental in 1999 and in 2007 the first observation in the Netherlands was reported [1,2].

While taking its pictures I noticed the bug would rock its body horizontally forward and backwards before flying away. When the body is shoved forwards it will hold the pose at the maximum and than rock backwards again to start another cycle. It did this 3 or more times before flying up. I have yet not noticed this behaviour with other bugs.
The bug can be recognised by the thorns on the hind leg and the flattend hind tibia.

1 Nederlands Soortenregister2 Aukema, B., Heijerman Th. & Kalkman V.J., 2016. Veldgids wantsen deel 1. – EIS Kennis centrum Insecten, Leiden.