Ectemnius continuus♂︎

Last update: 30 November 2024


Species Ectemnius continuus

Ecological role Predator + pollinator

Voltinism Bivoltine


Nesting strategy Hypergeic
Nestarchitecture Broodcells

Last changes:
Parasitic relations updated

Official name


Ectemnius continuus

Crabro continuus
Hypocrabro continuus

See also:



Latin: uninterrupted

Ectemnius continuus ♂︎


1. Distribution
2. Behaviour
3. Plant relations
4. Prey relations
5. Parasitic relations
6. Identification


The diggerwasp Ectemnius continuus [Soortenregister] is a common species that occurs throughout the Netherlands [],[Klein 1999].

The E. continuus wasps occurring in the Benelux (Belgium Netherlands and Luxembourg) belong to the subspecies E. continuus punctatus [Klein 1999],[Peeters et al. 2004].



The species is active from the beginning May until the beginning of October [],[Peeters et al. 2004],[Blösch 2000].


The female nests in dead wood, like branches, stubs and collapsed tree trunks. She gnaws a tunnel with branches and in each branch one or two brood cells [Klein 1999],[Peeters et al. 2004],[Blösch 2000],[Ruchin & Antropov 2019]. Or the cells are created sequentially in a line [Blösch 2000]. The nest includes about 10 brood cells [Klein 1999],[Peeters et al. 2004],[Blösch 2000]. The main tunnel and the branches are filled with wood flour, small pieces of wood [Blösch 2000].
Every brood cell contains 6 to 8 prey [Blösch 2000].

Normally two generations are produced per year [Blösch 2000].

2.3. Bee hotel

The males use bee hotels as a sleeping place [Breugel 2014].



The following wood types are mentioned in literature as medium for the wasp to built her nests in:

FagaceaeQuercus (Oak) [Woydak 1996]
(Willow family)
Populus (Poplar) [Woydak 1996]
Populus nigrus [Woydak 1996 (as Popula nigra)]

Salix (Willow) [Woydak 1996]
Salix alba [Woydak 1996]
Table 3.1-1: wood types used as nest substrate


The adult wasps feed with plant nectar and/or pollen. In literature the following plants and groups are cited:

Composite family [Klein 1999]
Umbellifers [Klein 1999],[Peeters et al. 2004],[Blösch 2000]
– Wild angelica (Angelica sylvestris) []
– Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) []
– Hogweed (Heracleum sphondylium) []
Table 3.2-1: Food plants in the Netherlands

The garden has some umbellifers but I have not seen this species on it yet.


The species uses flies as food for her offspring [Klein 1999],[Peeters et al. 2004],[Blösch 2000],[Ruchin & Antropov 2019].
Literature cites the following species occurring in the Netherlands:


Anthomyiidae (Anthomyiid flies) [Blösch 2000],[Ruchin & Antropov 2019]
– Onion fly (Delia antiqua) [Woydak 1996 (as Hedemiya antiqua -> Helemiya)]

Calliphoridae (Blow flies) [Peeters et al. 2004],[Blösch 2000],[Ruchin & Antropov 2019],[Woydak 1996]
Pollenia rudis [Woydak 1996]

Muscidae (House flies) [Peeters et al. 2004],[Blösch 2000],[Ruchin & Antropov 2019],[Woydak 1996]
Hydrotaea meteorica [Woydak 1996]

Thricops semicinereus [Woydak 1996 (als Aricia semicinerea)]

Rhagionidae (Snipe flies) [Blösch 2000],[Ruchin & Antropov 2019]

Sciomyzidae (Marsh flies) [Ruchin & Antropov 2019]

Stratiomyiidae (Soldier flies) [Ruchin & Antropov 2019]

Syrphidae (Hover flies) [Peeters et al. 2004],[Blösch 2000],[Ruchin & Antropov 2019],[Woydak 1996]

Tabanidae (Horseflies) [Peeters et al. 2004],[Ruchin & Antropov 2019],[Woydak 1996]

Tachinidae (Tachnid flies) [Blösch 2000],[Ruchin & Antropov 2019]

Therevidae (Stilletto flies) [Peeters et al. 2004],[Blösch 2000],[Ruchin & Antropov 2019],[Woydak 1996]
Table 4-1: Prey species in the Netherlands

Preyspecies outside the Netherlands:

Table 4-2: Prey species outside the Netherlands


The following nest parasites of E. continuus present in the Netherlands are mentioned in the literature:

(Ichneumon wasps)

Enclisis macilenta [Ruchin & Antropov 2019 as Caenocryptus inflatus = Enclisis inflatus[Fitton 1982]]

Hoplocryptus confector [Schwarz 2007]

Sarcophagidae (Flesh flies)
Macronychia polyodon [Povolny 1997]
Table 5-1: Parasitic species in the Netherlands

Parasitic species outside the Netherlands [Soortenregister]:

(Ichneumon wasps)

Hoplocryptus heliophilus [Schwarz 2007]
Hoplocryptus quadriguttatus [Schwarz 2007]
Table 5-2: Parasitic species outside the Netherlands


Length males: 8 – 12 mm
Length females: 9,5 – 14,5 mm


The genus Ectemnius can be recognized by the following characters:

1.  Forewing: with one submarginal cell [Peeters et al. 2004],[Dollfuss 1991]

Ectemnius continuus ♂︎, Ectemnius: frontwing with 1 submarginal cell, specimen-1

2. Ocelli: usually shaped in a obtuse isosceles triangle [Klein 1999],[Dollfuss 1991]

Ectemnius continuus ♂︎, Ectemnius: ocelli usually shaped in obtuse isosceles triangle, specimen-1

3. Abdomen: terga smooth with fine punctation, only on tergite 1 somewhat stronger [Klein 1999],[Blösch 2000],[Dollfuss 1991]

Ectemnius continuus ♂︎, Ectemnius: tergites smooth with fine punctation, specimen-2
Ectemnius continuus ♂︎, Ectemnius: tergites smooth with fine punctation, specimen-2

4. Thorax: rear side (metapleuron) (M) and often side propodeum (P), with strong transverse wrinkles [Klein 1999],[Blösch 2000],[Dollfuss 1991]

Ectemnius continuus ♂︎, Ectemnius: side thorax strongly wrinkled

5. Head: in frontal view broader than high [Blösch 2000],[Dollfuss 1991]

Ectemnius continuus ♂︎, Ectemnius: head frontally wider than high

6. Thorax side (mesopleuron): has a short transverse carina in front of the middle leg coxa [Peeters et al. 2004],[Blösch 2000],[Dollfuss 1991].

1. Antenna with 12 segments [Klein 1999],[Blösch 2000],[Dollfuss 1991]

2. Abdomen with 6 segments [Klein 1999],[Blösch 2000],[Dollfuss 1991]

Ectemnius continuus ♂︎, specimen-2
Ectemnius continuus ♂︎, specimen-1
Ectemnius continuus ♂︎, specimen-3
Ectemnius continuus ♂︎, specimen-1
Ectemnius continuus ♂︎, propodeum

  1. Antenna with 12 segments [Klein 1999],[Blösch 2000],[Dollfuss 1991]
Ectemnius continuus ♂︎, antenna with 12 segments, specimen-1

2. Abdomen with 7 segments [Klein 1999],[Blösch 2000],[Dollfuss 1991]

Ectemnius continuus ♂︎, abdomen with 7 segments, specimen-2


1. Antenna: segment 3 about 2,5x longer than wide [Klein 1999],[Blösch 2000],[Dollfuss 1991]

Ectemnius continuus ♂︎, antennal segment 3 about 2,5x longer than wide, specimen-1

2. Antenna: segment 6 with cut out [Blösch 2000]

Ectemnius continuus ♂︎, antennal segment 6 cut out, specimen-1

3. Mandible: inner edge with large triangular tooth [Klein 1999],[Blösch 2000],[Dollfuss 1991]

Ectemnius continuus ♂︎, inneredge mandibel with large triangular tooth, specimen-1

4. Frons: smooth area above the antennal base not limited with a vertical carina [Blösch 2000],[Dollfuss 1991]

Ectemnius continuus ♂︎, smooth area above antennal base without transverse carina, specimen-1
Ectemnius continuus ♂︎, smooth area above antennal base without transverse carina, specimen-1


1. Mesopleuron: side thorax wrinkled [Klein 1999],[Blösch 2000],[Dollfuss 1991]

Ectemnius continuus ♂︎, side thorax, mesopleuron, wrinkled, specimen-2

2. Mesonotum and usually tergite 1, and vertex [Dollfuss 1991] with long erect hairs [Klein 1999],[Blösch 2000],[Dollfuss 1991]

Ectemnius continuus ♂︎, mesonotum, tergite 1 and vertex with long erect hairs, specimen-2

3. Middle leg: first and second tarsal members thorn-like elongated [Klein 1999],[Blösch 2000],[Dollfuss 1991]

Ectemnius continuus ♂︎, first and second tarsal members middle leg thorn-like elongated

4. Foreleg: trochanter without tooth, keel or bump [Klein 1999],[Blösch 2000],[Dollfuss 1991]

Ectemnius continuus ♂︎, trochanter front leg without tooth or ridge, specimen-3

5. Mesothorax: ventral side with transverse carina at the front [Dollfuss 1991]

In species that do not bear this character the front is gradually rounded.

Ectemnius continuus ♂︎, mesothorax with a transversal keel at front, specimen-1


1. Tergum 3: yellow markings on absent or less developed than on tergum 4 [Klein 1999],[Blösch 2000],[Dollfuss 1991]

Ectemnius continuus ♂︎, yellow marking tergum 3 less developed than on tergite 4, specimen-2
Ectemnius continuus ♂︎, yellow markings tergum 3 absent, specimen-1

2. Tergum 1: finely punctated, the space between the points several times larger than the points [Dollfuss 1991]

Ectemnius continuus ♂︎, tergum 1 finely punctated, space between points several times larger than points, specimen-2

3. Tergum 7: without pygidium [Klein 1999],[Blösch 2000]


Blösch 2000 Blösch, M. (2000). Die Grabwespen Deutschlands – Lebens‐weise, Verhalten, Verbreitung. 71. Teil. In Dahl, F.: Die Tierwelt Deutschlands. Begr.: 1925. – Keltern (Goecke & Evers). – 480 S. 341 Farbfotos. ISBN 3‐931374‐26‐2 (hardcover). DM 98,–. Zool. Reihe, 78: 353-353.

Breugel 2014 Breugel, P. van., 2014. Gasten van bijenhotels. – EIS Kenniscentrum Insecten en andere ongewervelden & Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden.

Dollfuss 1991 Dollfuss, H., 1991. Bestimmungsschlüssel der Grabwespen Nord-und Zentraleuropas. Stapfia, 24, 1-247.

Fitton 1982 Fitton, M. G., 1982. A catalogue and reclassification of the Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) described by CG Thomson.

Klein 1999 Klein, W., 1999 De graafwespen van de Benelux: supplement. Jeugdbondsuitgeverij, 1-37. + Klein, W., 1996. De graafwespen van de Benelux. Jeugdbondsuitgeverij, 1-130.

Peeters et al. 2004 Peeters, T.M.J., C. van Achterberg, W.R.B. Heitmans, W.F. Klein, V. Lefeber, A.J. van Loon, A.A. Mabelis, H. Nieuwen-huijsen, M. Reemer, J. de Rond, J. Smit, H.H.W. Velthuis, 2004. De wespen en mieren van Nederland (Hymenoptera: Aculeata). – Nederlandse Fauna 6. Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum Naturalis, Leiden, knnv Uitgeverij, Utrecht & European Invertebrate Survey – Nederland, Leiden.

Povolny 1997 Povolny, D., 1997. The flesh-flies of Central Europe (Insecta, Diptera, Sarcophagidae). Spixiana Suppl., 24, 1-260.

Ruchin & Antropov 2019 Ruchin, A. & Antropov, A., 2019. Wasp fauna (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae, Chrysididae, Dryinidae, Tiphiidae, Mutillidae, Scoliidae, Pompilidae, Vespidae, Sphecidae, Crabronidae & Trigonalyidae) of Mordovia State Nature Reserve and its surroundings in Russia. Journal of Threatened Taxa. 11. 13195-13250. 10.11609/jott.4216.11.2.13195-13250.

Schwarz 2007 Schwarz, M., 2007. Revision der westpaläarktischen Arten der Gattung Hoplocryptus Thomson (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae). na.

Soortenregister Nederlands Soortenregister

Woydak 1996 Woydak, H., 1996. Hymenoptera Aculeata Westfalica Familia: Sphecidae (Grabwespen), 3-135.


Krischan, O.R., 2025. Ectemnius continuus. Kerfdier, Accessed on [date month year].

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