Pimpla turionellae♀︎

Last update: 23 November 2024


Species Pimpla turionellae
Family ICHNEUMONIDAE (Ichneumon wasps)

Ecological role Idiobiont endoparasitoid + pollinator

Voltinism Bivoltine


Pimpla turionellae ♀︎, on nest Apple ermine (Yponomeuta malinellus)


Pimpla turionellae [Soortenregister] is a common wasp that can be found across the Netherlands [Waarneming.nl].




The species is active from May to October [Fitton et al. 1988].


The species has two generations per year [Fitton et al. 1988] and overwinters possibly sometimes as adult [Fitton et al. 1988].



P. turionellae is an idiobiont endoparasitoid [Uçkan et al. 2004] on butterflies and moths, hunting on smaller to middle-large pupae, in cocoons and sometimes bare, from the following species occurring in the Netherlands [Soortenregister]:

COSMOPTERIGIDAELimnaecia phragmitella [Fitton et al. 1988]
DEPRESSARIIDAEDepressaria radiella [Fitton et al. 1988]
PYRALIDAEAcrobasis consociella [Fitton et al. 1988]
Ephestia kuehniella [Kansu & Ughacek 1984]
Galleria mellonella [Kansu & Ughacek 1984]
PYRIDAEPieris rapae [Kansu & Ughacek 1984]
TORTRICIDAECydia pomonella [Fitton et al. 1988]
Rhyacionia buoliana [Fitton et al. 1988]
Tortrix viridana [Fitton et al. 1988]
YPONOMEUTIDAEYponomeuta cagnagella [Fitton et al. 1988]
Yponomeuta evonymella [Fitton et al. 1988]
Yponomeuta malinellus [Kolarov 1995],[Kansu & Ughacek 1984]
YPSOLOPHIDAEYpsolopha vittella [Fitton et al. 1988]

I’ve observed the species on a nest of Apple ermine (Yponomeuta malinellus), see here.

The following hosts have been observed in the garden:

Small white (Pieris rapae)
Ermine moths
Apple ermine (Yponomeuta malinellus)



It is a middle large wasp.


Characteristics of the genus [Broad 2011],[Fitton et al. 1988]:

1. Front wing vein 2m-cu with two bullae
2. Front wing vein 3rs-m present, not pigmented

Pimpla turionellae ♀︎, front wing with 2 bulla on vein 2m-cu, vein 3rs-m present and unpigmented

3. Ovipositor straight

Pimpla turionellae ♀︎, Ovipositor females straight

4. Hind tarsus segment 2 about as long as segment 5

Pimpla turionellae ♀︎, Hind tarsus segment 2 about as long as segment 5

5. Face black
6. Eyes weakly concave just above the antenna implant

Pimpla turionellae ♀︎, eyes weakly concave just above antenna implant

7. Antennae slender
8. Antennae not subclavate (slightly enlarged at the end), often attenuate apically

Pimpla turionellae ♀︎, antennae slender, not subclavate, often attenuate apically

8. Antenna flagellum segment 2 at least 3x longer than wide

Pimpla turionellae ♀︎, Antenna flagellum segment 2 at least 3x longer than wide


Characteristics of the species [Fitton et al. 1988]:


1. Hind coxa black

Pimpla turionellae ♀︎, coxa hind leg black

2. Face black with light hairs, whitish or sometimes light yellow

Pimpla turionellae ♀︎, Face black with light hairs, whitish or sometimes light yellow

3. Space between rear ocelli is about 2x the space between ocellus and edge eye

Pimpla turionellae ♀︎, space between ocelli (a) about 2x space between ocelle and edge eye (b)

4. Mesopleuron centrally densely punctuated, space between punctures about the diameter of the puncture

Pimpla turionellae ♀︎,Mesopleuron centrally densely punctuated, space between punctures about equal to diameter puncture

5. Pronotum often with yellow stripe on rear corner

Pimpla turionellae ♀︎, pronotum with yellow stripe on hind corner

6. Length ratio ovipositor : hind tibia = 0.9 – 1.1

Pimpla turionellae ♀︎, ratio length ovipositor : hind tibia = 0.9 – 1.1



1. Face black with whitish hairs

2. Space between rear ocelli is about 2x the space between ocelle and edge eye


Broad 2011 Broad, G., 2011. Identification key to the subfamilies of Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera). Biological Record Centre, Wallinford.

Fitton et al. 1988 Fitton, M. G., Shaw, M. R., & Gauld, I. D., 1988. Pimpline ichneumon-flies. Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae (Pimplinae).

Kansu & Ughacek 1984 Kansu, İ. A., & Ughacek˜ ur, A., 1984. Investigations into the biological relationships between Pimpla turionellae (L.)(Hym.-Ichneumonidae) and some lepidopterous pupae hosts.

Kolarov 1995 Kolarov, J., 1995. A catalogue of the Turkish Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera). Entomofauna, 16(7), 137-188.

Soortenregister Nederlands Soortenregister

Uçkan et al. 2004 Uçkan, F., Sinan, S., Savaşçi, Ş., & Ergin, E., 2004. Determination of venom components from the endoparasitoid wasp Pimpla turionellae L.(Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 97(4), 775-780.

Waarneming.nl Waarneming.nl


Krischan, O.R., 2025. Pimpla turionellae. Kerfdier, www.kerfdier.nl. Accessed on [date month year].

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