Ichneumon xanthorius [Soortenregister],[Broad 2011],[Perkins 1959],[Perkins 1960] is an uncommon wasp that occurs throughout the Netherlands [Broad 2011].
In some litereature the species is referenced with its old name Amblyteles equitatorius.
The species is active from April to August with a peak for males in June and July, and for the females in April and May [Broad 2011].
The species overwinters as larva and has possibly more generations per year [Hinz & Horstmann 2007]. The larvae pupate in the ground in May [Hinz & Horstmann 2007].
Development take on average 30 days for females and 26 days for males [Hinz & Horstmann 2007].
I. xanthorius is a polyphagous [Hinz & Horstmann 2007] endoparasitoïd on moths from the Noctuidae family [Hinz & Horstmann 2007], especially on cocoons in the ground, on the following species occurring in the Netherlands [Vlinderstichting.nl]:
Owlet moths (NOCTUIDAE) | –Noctua comes [Hinz & Horstmann 2007] –Noctua fimbriata [Hinz & Horstmann 2007] –Xestia baja [Hinz & Horstmann 2007] –Xestia ditrapezium [Hinz & Horstmann 2007] –Xestia stigmatica (syn. X. rhomboidae) [Hinz & Horstmann 2007] –Xestia trianglum [Hinz & Horstmann 2007] |
The following hosts have been observed in the garden:
Owlet moths (NOCTUIDAE) | – Lesser yellow underwing (Noctua comes) [Hinz & Horstmann 2007] |
It is a large wasp with a length of 15mm
(different internet sites provide a length of 15mm for males and females. The length of the female is specified as 13 – 14 mm in the Perkins key [Perkins 1960] ).
The characteristics of I. xanthorius are [Perkins 1960]:
1. Mandible with one tooth
2. Thyridia short as very narrow transverse band
3. Gastrocoelus quite large, width at least as wide as distance between gastrocoeli
4. Terga 5, 6 and 7 with yellow marks
5. Terga 1 to 4 with wide yellow band apically
7. Coxa hindleg with yellow spot on top
8. Thigh (femur) hindleg black
9. Head with temples strongly narrowing behind eyes
1. Narrow species
2. Postpetiole, upper part of 1st tergite, yellow
3. Hind leg coxa with yellow spot dorsally
4, Hind leg coxa large [5]
5. Femur, hind leg yellow with lower halve black
6. Tibia, hind leg black lower edge
7. Clypeus truncated
Ahw.me Albert de Wilde, Insecten fotosite ahw.me, WespenBroad 2011 Broad, G., 2011. Identification key to the subfamilies of Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera). Biological Record Centre, Wallinford.
Hinz & Horstmann 2007 Hinz, R., & Horstmann, K., 2007. Über Wirtsbeziehungen Europäischer Ichneumon-Arten. On the Host Relationships of European Species of Ichneumon Linnaeus (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Ichneumoninae). Spinxiana, 30(1), 39-63.
Perkins 1959 Perkins, J. F., 1959. Hymenoptera, Ichneumonoidea, Ichneumonidae: Key to Subfamilies and Ichneumoninae-I. Royal Entomological Society.
Perkins 1960 Perkins, J. F., 1960. Hymenoptera, Ichneumonoidea: Ichneumonidae I.[and] Ichneumoninae II, Alomyinae, Agriotypinae and Lycorininae. Royal Entomological Society.
Soortenregister Nederlands Soortenregister
Vlinderstichting.nl Vlinderstichting.nl, "Vlinders", De Vlinderstichting
Krischan, O.R., 2025. Ichneumon xanthorius. Kerfdier, www.kerfdier.nl. Accessed on [date month year].