Ichneumon xanthorius♀︎♂︎

Last update: 23 November 2024


Species Ichneumon xanthorius
Family ICHNEUMONIDAE (Ichneumon wasps)

Ecological role Idiobiont ectoparasitoid + pollinator



Last changes:
Section 'Females' in '4. Identification' added

Ichneumon xanthorius ♂︎


Ichneumon xanthorius [Soortenregister],[Broad 2011],[Perkins 1959],[Perkins 1960] is an uncommon wasp that occurs throughout the Netherlands [Broad 2011].

In some litereature the species is referenced with its old name Amblyteles equitatorius.




The species is active from April to August with a peak for males in June and July, and for the females in April and May [Broad 2011].


The species overwinters as larva and has possibly more generations per year [Hinz & Horstmann 2007]. The larvae pupate in the ground in May [Hinz & Horstmann 2007].

Development take on average 30 days for females and 26 days for males [Hinz & Horstmann 2007].



I. xanthorius is a polyphagous [Hinz & Horstmann 2007] endoparasitoïd on moths from the Noctuidae family [Hinz & Horstmann 2007], especially on cocoons in the ground, on the following species occurring in the Netherlands [Vlinderstichting.nl]:

Owlet moths
Noctua comes [Hinz & Horstmann 2007]
Noctua fimbriata [Hinz & Horstmann 2007]
Xestia baja [Hinz & Horstmann 2007]
Xestia ditrapezium [Hinz & Horstmann 2007]
Xestia stigmatica (syn. X. rhomboidae) [Hinz & Horstmann 2007]
Xestia trianglum [Hinz & Horstmann 2007]

The following hosts have been observed in the garden:

Owlet moths
Lesser yellow underwing (Noctua comes) [Hinz & Horstmann 2007]



It is a large wasp with a length of 15mm
(different internet sites provide a length of 15mm for males and females. The length of the female is specified as 13 – 14 mm in the Perkins key [Perkins 1960] ).

The characteristics of I. xanthorius are [Perkins 1960]:


Ichneumon xanthorius ♀︎

1. Mandible with one tooth
2. Thyridia short as very narrow transverse band
3. Gastrocoelus quite large, width at least as wide as distance between gastrocoeli

4. Terga 5, 6 and 7 with yellow marks
5. Terga 1 to 4 with wide yellow band apically

Ichneumon xanthorius ♀︎, Terga: 1-4 with broad yellow band, 5-7 with yellow

7. Coxa hindleg with yellow spot on top

Ichneumon xanthorius ♀︎, coxa hindleg with yellow spot on top

8. Thigh (femur) hindleg black

Ichneumon xanthorius ♀︎, thigh (femur) hindleg black

9. Head with temples strongly narrowing behind eyes


Ichneumon xanthorius ♂︎

1. Narrow species

2. Postpetiole, upper part of 1st tergite, yellow

Ichneumon xanthorius ♂︎, 1st tergite with upper edge (postpetiole) yellow

3. Hind leg coxa with yellow spot dorsally
4, Hind leg coxa large [5]

Ichneumon xanthorius ♂︎, Coxa hind leg large with yellow spot dorsally

5. Femur, hind leg yellow with lower halve black

Ichneumon xanthorius ♂︎, Femur hind leg yellow with lower halve black

6. Tibia, hind leg black lower edge

Ichneumon xanthorius ♂︎, Tibia hind leg geel with black lower edge

7. Clypeus truncated

Ichneumon xanthorius ♂︎, clypeus met stome rand


Ahw.me Albert de Wilde, Insecten fotosite ahw.me, Wespen

Broad 2011 Broad, G., 2011. Identification key to the subfamilies of Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera). Biological Record Centre, Wallinford.

Hinz & Horstmann 2007 Hinz, R., & Horstmann, K., 2007. Über Wirtsbeziehungen Europäischer Ichneumon-Arten. On the Host Relationships of European Species of Ichneumon Linnaeus (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Ichneumoninae). Spinxiana, 30(1), 39-63.

Perkins 1959 Perkins, J. F., 1959. Hymenoptera, Ichneumonoidea, Ichneumonidae: Key to Subfamilies and Ichneumoninae-I. Royal Entomological Society.

Perkins 1960 Perkins, J. F., 1960. Hymenoptera, Ichneumonoidea: Ichneumonidae I.[and] Ichneumoninae II, Alomyinae, Agriotypinae and Lycorininae. Royal Entomological Society.

Soortenregister Nederlands Soortenregister

Vlinderstichting.nl Vlinderstichting.nl, "Vlinders", De Vlinderstichting


Krischan, O.R., 2025. Ichneumon xanthorius. Kerfdier, www.kerfdier.nl. Accessed on [date month year].

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