Ichneumon stramentor [Soortenregister],[Broad 2011],[Perkins 1959],[Perkins 1960] is a common wasp and one of the most occurring wasps throughout the Netherlands [Waarneming.nl].
In some older literature it is called I. stramentarius, which is another Ichneumon species [Broad 2005].
The species is active from February to October [Waarneming.nl].
The species overwinters as larva and has possibly more generations per year [Hinz & Horstmann 2007]. The larvae pupate in the ground in May [Hinz & Horstmann 2007].
Development take on average 27 days for females and 26 days for males [Hinz & Horstmann 2007].
I. stramentor is a. probably polyphagous [Hinz & Horstmann 2007], endoparasitoid on moths from the Noctuidae family [Hinz & Horstmann 2007], on the following species occurring in the Netherlands [Soortenregister]:
Owlet moths (NOCTUIDAE) | –Anaplectoides prasinus [Hinz & Horstmann 2007] –Apamea sordens [Hinz & Horstmann 2007] –Diarsia brunnea [Hinz & Horstmann 2007] –Noctua fimbriata [Hinz & Horstmann 2007] –Orthosia cerasi [Hinz & Horstmann 2007] –Orthosia incerta [Hinz & Horstmann 2007] –Phlogophora meticulosa [Hinz & Horstmann 2007] –Xestia baja [Hinz & Horstmann 2007] –Xestia ditrapezium [Hinz & Horstmann 2007] –Xestia stigmatica (syn. X. rhomboidae [8]) [Hinz & Horstmann 2007] –Xestia trianglum [Hinz & Horstmann 2007] |
The following hosts have been observed in the garden:
Owlet moths (NOCTUIDAE) | –Large yellow underwing (Noctua pronuba) [Hinz & Horstmann 2007] –Angle shades (Phlogophora meticulosa) [Hinz & Horstmann 2007] –Setaceous Hebrew character (Xestia c-nigrum) [Hinz & Horstmann 2007] |
It is a large wasp with a length of 13 – 15 mm [Broad 2011].
The characteristics of I. stramentor are [Perkins 1960]:
- Terga 2 and 3 yellow
2. Terga 5, 6 and 7 with yellow spot, spot 5 smaller than spot 6
3. Scutellum yellow
4. Pronotum black
5. Hind leg black
6. Hind tibia with yellow band, black on extreme base and lower edge
7. Tarsus members hind leg black
8. Tarsus members 2 and 3 with lightbrown base
9. Tarsus member 3 hind leg length = 1,5 x width in middle
10. Temples directly behind eyes converging
11. Underside coxa hind leg with scopa (hair patch)
Broad 2005 Broad, G. R., 2005. Checklist of British and Irish Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera).Broad 2011 Broad, G., 2011. Identification key to the subfamilies of Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera). Biological Record Centre, Wallinford.
Hinz & Horstmann 2007 Hinz, R., & Horstmann, K., 2007. Über Wirtsbeziehungen Europäischer Ichneumon-Arten. On the Host Relationships of European Species of Ichneumon Linnaeus (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Ichneumoninae). Spinxiana, 30(1), 39-63.
Perkins 1959 Perkins, J. F., 1959. Hymenoptera, Ichneumonoidea, Ichneumonidae: Key to Subfamilies and Ichneumoninae-I. Royal Entomological Society.
Perkins 1960 Perkins, J. F., 1960. Hymenoptera, Ichneumonoidea: Ichneumonidae I.[and] Ichneumoninae II, Alomyinae, Agriotypinae and Lycorininae. Royal Entomological Society.
Soortenregister Nederlands Soortenregister
Waarneming.nl Waarneming.nl
Krischan, O.R., 2025. Ichneumon stramentor. Kerfdier, www.kerfdier.nl. Accessed on [date month year].