Bee hotel

Trichrysis cyanea

Last update: 2 July 2022


Location Krimpen aan den IJssel, garden

This small cuckoo wasp, Trichrysis cyanea [1, 2] is a regular visitor of the bee hotels in the garden. The species is clearly a minority around the other Cuckoo wasp species and often only one specimen at the time is present.

Trichrysis cyanea
Trichrysis cyanea
Trichrysis cyanea

UPDATE 2022/vi/10

Since the previous observation more specimen visit the bee hotels every year and they can be found elsewhere in the garden as well.

Trichrysis cyanea, imago


1 Nederlands Soortenregister

2 Paukkunen, J., Berg, A., Soon, V., Ødegaard, F., & Rosa, P., 2015. An illustrated key to the cuckoo wasps (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) of the Nordic and Baltic countries, with description of a new species. ZooKeys, (548), 1.

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