These wasps I know from my holidays in France, the European paper wasp (Polistes dominula) [1, 2]. For the first time in the garden!
Like many wasps this female was attracted to the nectar droplets ouzing from the Trumpat vine (Campsis radicans).
It is a very large and colorfull wasp, really beautiful.

In 2020 the species was back on the plant. Only one female that could be found for the duration of one week on exactly the same group of flower butts foraging for nectar. I have not seen her on any other flower in the plant… a little peculiar.
1 Nederlands Soortenregister2 Peeters, T.M.J., C. van Achterberg, W.R.B. Heitmans, W.F. Klein, V. Lefeber, A.J. van Loon, A.A. Mabelis, H. Nieuwen-huijsen, M. Reemer, J. de Rond, J. Smit, H.H.W. Velthuis, 2004. De wespen en mieren van Nederland (Hymenoptera: Aculeata). – Nederlandse Fauna 6. Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum Naturalis, Leiden, knnv Uitgeverij, Utrecht & European Invertebrate Survey – Nederland, Leiden.