Notes on morphology, biology and behaviour of gall wasp Xestophanes potentillae (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) on Potentilla reptans
Notes on morphology, biology and behaviour of gall wasp Xestophanes potentillae (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) on Potentilla reptans
Phragmatobia fuliginosa
(Ruby tiger)
Chironomidae sp.♂︎
Xestophanes potentillae
lasius niger♀︎
(Black garden ant)
Bee hotel
Osmia cornuta♀︎
(European orchard bee)
Stictoleptura rubra♂︎
(Red longhorn beetle)
Issus coleoptratus
- Hedera helix -New garden species
Polypogon plumigeralis
(Plumed fan-foot)
Osmia bicornis♂︎
(Red mason bee)
Introduced species
New garden species
Phyllobius pilicornis♀︎
Cicadella viridis♂︎
(Green leafhopper)
Vespula vulgaris♀︎
(Common wasp)
New garden species
Liophloeus tessulatus
(Chequered weevil)
New garden species
Acronicta rumicis
(Knot grass)
Papilio machaon
Trypoxylon attenuatum♂︎
Stigmus pendulus♂︎
Peribatodes rhomboidaria
(Willow beauty)
Eucallipterus tiliae
(Lime aphid)